you know how you get email of sad stories that are passed on from one person to the next and by the time it gets to you, you don't know if you really should believe it b/c you dont know this person and how do you know its no a hoax? well, this is an email from one of my moms most close friends..... i normally wouldnt post these kinda things on here, but how could i not do what i can to pass the word for help? be ready with a tissue.

Hi Everyone,
sorry I haven't talked to some of you in a while, getting time to be on the computer lately is like going to another country! I am seding you an update on my life hoping you'll send it on to all the people in your lives that you love. Here's the story. As you all know Haeden is now two and a half years old. He now has the learning ability of a 4 month old. He doesn't crawl, walk, or talk, but he smiles often! For those of you reading this that don't know him, he has a very rare chromosone disorder that dr.'s have no info on. We just know he is slow to grow, slow to learn and has a small brain. He is tube fed, has a port for iv fluids, and his bowls do not work properly. he loves ceiling fans and shadows, and finds ball caps very funny. He loves to be held and cuddled and always needs to be kept warm. His hypothalmus doesn't regulate body temp well and when this happens he dehydrates and requires iv fluids. We used to have to be in the hasp for this[we spent most of feb. in childrens hosp little rock] but now with the port I can do it at home, scary but I can do it. I do theraputic feeds with him daily and am teaching him how to eat and swallow again[he loves frosting!] I do physical,occupational,and speech therapy daily. he is tube fed every 4 hours, meds 3 times a day, and liquid glycerin 2 times a day to have a bm. He has grandmal seizures but they are down to once or twice a day. I gave up my nursing job ove a year ago to stay at home and care for Haeden, I truly believe he would not still be with us had i not made this descion. We have lived on andy's income for this whole year, lss than $25,0000. I have no other explanation other than god that we still have a roof over our head,lights on, and food to eat. The computer in my van went out 3 weeks ago and we had no vehicle. We found a 98 van, it's clean and carries us and Haeden's wheel chair it was $400 but has no reverse! That's ok I only need to go forward,haha. No way can we afford a car payment. This is life. What's changed mine?
On one of Haeden's bad spells last month when he had to be air lifted to icu in little rock one of his care givers said. The reason she doesn't believe in god is because of kids like Haeden. How could god do this? I thought long and hard about this and realized how many blessings this little child has brought us and the many people who care for him. Half of children's hosp. knows us loves haeden and gives us great care. Our hosp. here knows us on a first name basis and loves him. I truly believe he has touch many lives. He has taught me patients,caring,impathy,humility,and unconditional love, I am truly blessed. I have learned that god has a plan and he is in control not me, hard one to swallow! I've been keeping a secret and been ashamed to share with my friends just how bad of financial trouble we're in, because of humility. God has convicted me to share and ask for help. We all help strangers, and will take help from a stranger but for some reason are ashamed to ask from friends, why? We have had our house payment defered for 4 months. I applied for respid pay for me caring for Haeden as a nurse, I've been approved but put on a waiting list that is 1 to 3 years long! We have to make a payment of $6,782.00 by april 3rd or face foreclosure. I've prayed and prayed about this and we decided the only thing we could do was sell the house. Well last hosp. stay Haeden fussed and cryed all the way home. The minute he heard our tires hit our gravel drive way he through his arms up and began to sqeal. we walked through the door and he laughed his head off at the fireplace[he thinks the bricks are hilarious] It was then I realized this is his safty zone. He doesn't understand much but he knows this is his house. I woke up friday night at 2:45 with the message 1400 will do it? What's that! I thought for two days and nights about this and realized. If 1400 could spare just $5 we could pay our house payment and not loose Haedens safe place. Do I know 1400 people, no. But together with the people who care about us and the power of the internet to go from one group of people who i love to your people you love and so on I think and have faith there are 1400 people who could spare $5! Those of you who know me I'm not a pearson to ask for things, I'm a giver a helper and a doer, this has been the hardest thing I've ever done, ask for help from friends and strangers, but I'm going on the faith god has blessed me with that this will be the answer, HELP from friends. The biggest thing i'm asking for are prayers not just for Haeden but for us, all of us. That I will be able to keep the faith and continue on till times get easier. I love all of you and send you blessings of the highest kind! my address is 113 western hills lane, Mountain home Arkansas 72653. Even if you can't help be praying for someone who can.
Have a Beautiful easter, Laurie knott
Thanks for putting this on here. I am doing everything I can to help this family and hoping others can see in their hearts to help , what ever they can.
This broke my heart! I posted the letter on my blog too. Maybe it will reach more people who can help this family.
I have passed on the email and am telling by word of mouth. I hope it works out for them!
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