OK!!! are you ready????....... here is the thing that i have been working on...
Blog Archive
About Me

- jamie
- the things that make my world go round... (besides photography) my sweet baby girl who makes me proud, my handsome husband who makes me smile, my *girl* friends who make me laugh, my mom who is always supportive, my dad who's always there to make sure i don't make the "wrong" decision, my little brother that is such a good uncle, all the rest of my family and friends that are just so darn amazing!, my pretty little bmw that i just adore, sex and the city, trashy magazines, lunch with jessi, massages with the amazing doriane, flashy rings, VC Andrew's books, my bay window and gigantic bathtub, our mean little kitten, my wonderful customers @ tropical rayz (you all know who you are), david cook (heehee), designer bags, shooting the sh** with jarjar about photog, blue summer skys and rainy spring days, the fresh chrispness of an october morning. yep! that's what makes my life so wonderful....
Monday, May 26, 2008
Posted by jamie at 10:07 AM 4 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
wahoo! i am so thrilled that my man won.... he is so amazing and just a tad bit HOT!
i can not wait for his album and concerts... i must go! have a happy day everyone...

Posted by jamie at 7:05 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
hi all!
i hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL week! i have some good stuff coming this weekend
so stay tuned!!!
BTW: COOK all the way baby.... ;) (idol fans know what i mean)
Posted by jamie at 4:53 PM 2 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mommy Day to all the Momma's out there...
i am so honored to be laykin's mommy... i get to tuck her in every night and be there
when she wakes up every morning. she tells me "mommy, i love you" about 10 times a
day at least and of coarse i do the same... she tells me that i am the best mommy and never
hides her honesty when she thinks i have on a bad outfit or when she thinks my shoes dont match. (shes a little fashion diva) too much hannah montana!!! ;)
she tells me when i have made a dinner that she loves and then she also tells me when it's
something that mamaw makes better than i do...lol! i sure have enjoyed her and being her
mom for 5 years now and although i am not to happy about the whole kindergarden thing coming up, i am very excited to see her grow so that we can grow to be even better friends than we are now... (she says i am her best friend).. *tear*, until she goes to school and finds a new one...
i also am so grateful to my mom... she has always been there, never to judge... somehow she
keeps her mouth shut and thoughts to herself, i am sure shes had to bite her tounge a few times ;) and probably a few more in the future....heehee! i am so glad that laykin has her for a mamaw.... i love my mommy.....
hope everyone has a great mothers day with their babies.... and hubbies :)
i cant post without a picture...

Posted by jamie at 11:42 AM 2 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
my baby and my man: ;)
i love this pic of these too. just had to show them off... she sure loves her daddy! i am so lucky to have such a beautiful, precious little girl and such a loving husband who's also a great daddy!!!
i am one lucky lil' lady.... :)
have a great weekend everyone.... i am spending it with my little family.
Posted by jamie at 5:35 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Introducing MILO:
last friday this little guy was wondering around the parking lot at the store, so after a little convincing... he is now a new member of our family. laykin has a kitty. isn't he the cutest.?i love this... he is just letting her do what she wants. ;)
Posted by jamie at 6:46 PM 9 comments
Just to clear one thing up....
HE** no!!!.... i'm not pregnant! kevin took care of that a couple months ago ;)
Posted by jamie at 4:20 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Posted by jamie at 5:10 PM 4 comments
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Harris Family::
this morning i had the pleasure of photographing this sweet little family. you may notice little lauren... i have done her photos several times before but this time she came with the whole fam ;) it was a beautiful morning and we got some great images. here are my favorites. i think this is my fav of the whole fam.
and there she is... miss america.
loved her shoes.
so cute.
shes a rock hound (like laykin) and was showing me her treasures.
aw. mom + dad
and buddy and lil sis
she was messing up her brothers hair... :)
i just love this one. shes like... i know, im pretty... with the wind all blowin' her hair. haha
aw... mamas girl
look buddy...
chillin with dad
slides are always fun. raw excitement!
thanks for letting me photograph your family jenni. it was a blast!
Posted by jamie at 6:21 PM 2 comments
baby tanner part 2:
here are the rest of my favs from lastnights session... if was a lot of fun and they were up for
just about anything.... cant wait for the little guy to get here. smokin'!
Posted by jamie at 10:52 AM 2 comments