One of a kind:
thought i would share this... this is a recent senior that i did and she wanted her invitations
to be different from the usual HS grad invites. so here they are and this doesnt even
show all the detail thats really on the cards. they had a pearl coating over them that just
really made them have a nice finished look. i was extremely happy with the results. so, remember this seniors... and another cool thing is you choose you fav for the back and thats a frameable pic, so you dont have to send a wallet b/c its all in one...
front: back:
Blog Archive
About Me

- jamie
- the things that make my world go round... (besides photography) my sweet baby girl who makes me proud, my handsome husband who makes me smile, my *girl* friends who make me laugh, my mom who is always supportive, my dad who's always there to make sure i don't make the "wrong" decision, my little brother that is such a good uncle, all the rest of my family and friends that are just so darn amazing!, my pretty little bmw that i just adore, sex and the city, trashy magazines, lunch with jessi, massages with the amazing doriane, flashy rings, VC Andrew's books, my bay window and gigantic bathtub, our mean little kitten, my wonderful customers @ tropical rayz (you all know who you are), david cook (heehee), designer bags, shooting the sh** with jarjar about photog, blue summer skys and rainy spring days, the fresh chrispness of an october morning. yep! that's what makes my life so wonderful....
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Posted by jamie at 7:06 PM 3 comments
Before & After:
this is fun.... i like before and afters b/c you really see the PS work that is involved in the
whole photography process. its not just take the picture then you are done (for me anyway)
thats just the beginning... then you get to create the "art" of your photography. most of the time i just do a little sharpening, color enhancing, ect... but sometimes an image requires a little more.
in this one not only did i do my special color enhancing trick, but i took out the two people in the background... and the tire swing. whatcha think? most ppl probably wouldnt even have noticed it either way huh??? haha well i do, so... :)
before: after:
Posted by jamie at 12:59 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
New Places:

and then this old church. dark, shady, a bit creepy... not very "fuzzy" haha

Posted by jamie at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008

i even stole this of my little brother. you can tell hes thrilled :) love ya jess!

Posted by jamie at 4:49 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
this evening i meet up with alayna and her momma denise. this session was pretty
much ALL about alayna.... and she was fine with that. she is such a good little girl and i
was so happy to take these photos of her. here are my fav's....
Posted by jamie at 4:45 PM 0 comments

hot momma!!!!

we had such a good time... next weekend, daddy gets to come and play too.
Posted by jamie at 11:33 AM 1 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Makin' new friends:
this weekend we found the time to meet up with jaren, her niece cailey and nephew aiden
and Anne-Camillie and 2 of her 3 kids, madeline and cortland. besides it being FREEZING cold and windy.... we and the kids had a lot of fun. after we left, laykin asked if they could all be her best friends. she loves to meet new kids. finally... shes coming out of her shell a bit.
here are a few from our evening...
you can see how cold it was by the look on laykins face. smile cailey... and look @ auntie jaren.

cant wait til next time and a warmer day.
Posted by jamie at 5:18 PM 1 comments