so, lastweek i was having a bit of spring fever and ordered laykin some clothes online and they came today, wahoo! i think i like getting her new clothes more than myself. she likes it too, so she had to play dress up tonight and try them on..... of coarse my camera was there ; )
her package: i am lovin' the light blue, eyelet thing this spring...
my ham!!
we are learning about "layers".... not with ogers, clothes!
then we had to play around a bit.
love those blue eyes
this may be my fav.
Blog Archive
About Me

- jamie
- the things that make my world go round... (besides photography) my sweet baby girl who makes me proud, my handsome husband who makes me smile, my *girl* friends who make me laugh, my mom who is always supportive, my dad who's always there to make sure i don't make the "wrong" decision, my little brother that is such a good uncle, all the rest of my family and friends that are just so darn amazing!, my pretty little bmw that i just adore, sex and the city, trashy magazines, lunch with jessi, massages with the amazing doriane, flashy rings, VC Andrew's books, my bay window and gigantic bathtub, our mean little kitten, my wonderful customers @ tropical rayz (you all know who you are), david cook (heehee), designer bags, shooting the sh** with jarjar about photog, blue summer skys and rainy spring days, the fresh chrispness of an october morning. yep! that's what makes my life so wonderful....
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Posted by jamie at 5:59 PM 7 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
i completely forgot about these.... along with our hiking adventure that i will post soon, but for now....
this is how my girly girl daughter plays softball with her daddy. a dress and snow boots....
she cracks me up! these are from a nice day that we actually had earlier this winter....
this is terrible, but cute..... she's gonna catch the ball, but it hits her in the nose! ouch, that hurts. is she dancing or playing catch???? who knows.

Posted by jamie at 6:05 PM 5 comments
i am soooo excited! on vday, the new shootsac covers were released AND they were 50% OFF!
so, i got 2 of them! that was kinda my valentine's.... so here they are... i love them.
splendid: festive:
both: :)
Posted by jamie at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 22, 2008
a couple days ago, i got to photograph luke again. well, for a few minutes anyway...
after about 10 minutes he decided he was done and we decided to reschedule for a nice day outside.... so here's a little that i got in a few minutes of him. isnt he a cutie!
Posted by jamie at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 21, 2008
today i have been editing just about all day... i found a few more from previous posts that i thought i would share...
up first: more from shannon + jonathon's wedding a couple weeks ago.
this was one last look in the mirror as we were headed out for the ceremony. i thought this one was fun!
these next few are from a session of these 3 girls before the etiquette ball.
i really am lovin' this image.
this is cute
Posted by jamie at 4:01 PM 2 comments
Saturday, February 16, 2008
my little cheerleader:
this morning when we did our weekly walmart shopping with my mom... laykin had a whole $26 that she has saved up. she looked and looked to find the perfect thing to spend her money on. she came up with this barbie cheerleader outfit and accessories! so, of coarse she hasnt taken it off since we have been home and she just had to have her picture taken in it. my mom siad " you better put some pictures of her in that up on your blog." so here they are mom! : )
this one is my fav!
Posted by jamie at 1:55 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
Jonathon + Shannon : we did::
last sunday jaren and i headed off to Little Rock for another wedding. this was my first time as the second shooter. i was very excited but ended up being sick, which is a miserable way to have to shoot a wedding. it was such a beautiful day, beautiful wedding and beautiful people.
i think i have a problem.... i dont know when to stop posting pictures :)
here are my fav's and the way that i saw the day. more soon on jaren blog.
shannon's dress was amazing... very glamorous and princessie. accessories:
i think that the getting ready is one of my favorite parts to the big day...
bridesmaids talking makeup techniques...
so pretty!
her maid of honor was her sister i just love this shot... i think it's the curlers....
and this one.
brides mother: oh so stunning:
her reaction when she saw herself all complete....
jonathon kept calling her. it was so cute.
on the way down... approval from his brother as she enters the room
these two are the sweetest couple that i have ever meet. they were just so into each other and were oblivious to the world around them. just so inspiring...
this little boy kept eyeing me when he thought i wasnt looking, but a photograper is ALWAYS looking!
jaren stole the bride and groom away for a minute right after the ceremony so i caught them in action :)
see what i mean... not a care in the world!
OMG! so the cakes at this reception were amazing. the grooms cake was the most awesome cake i have ever seen...
this one is beautiful too.
the first dance:
i love the peacefulness on her face here..
the wedding was at the peabody hotel
and this is the famous duck walk.
then up the elevator.... to take the ducks to their home.
this is through the window.
the night ended with LOTS of fun dancing.... i truly had a blast ( besides being sick)
Posted by jamie at 6:35 PM 0 comments