ST LOUIS: photography seminar

ST LOUIS: photography seminar
Posted by jamie at 12:27 PM 1 comments
so, yesterday... out of nowhere jessi & i decided to do her "trash the dress session". although we really didn't get to TRASH it, yet! :) we ran out of daylight before we were done.
i really wanted to do these since i wasnt able to attend the wedding in jamacia!
this trash the dress thing is really getting populular in cities! so, i am introducing it to you!
Posted by jamie at 10:10 AM 3 comments
laykin tonight just bein' silly. she is going to little rock for the weekend to the annual "boo at the zoo"... and jaren & i are taking a trip to st. louis sunday and monday for a photography siminar/workshop. wahoo! kevin gets the house to himself!
Posted by jamie at 6:51 PM 1 comments
2 weeks!!!
so for my post this week on our upcoming vacation... Grand Cayman.
we will be here for a couple days before we head over to little cayman. this is the villas of galleon that we are staying at on the 7 mile beach.
they are actually condos... but in the carribean they are villas! haha and a sky view!
Posted by jamie at 2:37 PM 0 comments
OCTOBER 25: WAHOO a big 19!!!
Happy Birtday to my little sis "by heart!" Lauren is like a sister to me. ( since i dont have one :) ) and it is her 19th bday! she is @ jonesboro in college and cant make it home for her bday, so i just wanted to wish her a good one and cant wait til she comes home again so we can go out for some Chinese food! yum! see you soon girl!!!
Posted by jamie at 6:52 PM 1 comments
here are just a few pictures from the awesome rainbow and sunset tonight after the rainy day we had. it was so big that i couldnt even get it all in one picture.
Posted by jamie at 5:04 PM 1 comments
tonight i shot the bruce family. we just headed out with no plan or destination in mind. with a session like this... you never know what you are in for. first stop! a barn on the side of the road. inside of it? a lady. just starts talking. dont know where she came from. kinda strange. perched up on some hay inside a little barn on the side of the road. imagine that. thats the kinda things that have been happening to me lately. man chasing us with windex last weekend, crazy lady in barn this weekend... whats next? so anyway, heres a few of my favs.
Posted by jamie at 7:30 PM 1 comments
My treasures:
yeserday laykin my mom & i stopped by this neat little antique store by my house (right beside all creatures on 62W) i found this totally awesome pot and a chair (not posted) ! love the aged look.... and LOVE pottery.a couple weekends ago when we went to mtn. view and blanchard... we stopped into my 2 favorite stores in mtn. view.... pottery stores. so, i found this awesome soup dish/laddle set. so beautiful... though i would share it with you :)
Posted by jamie at 9:17 AM 1 comments