a drive to calico rock:
today i shot the moody family. the drive was great with the new car ;) and so was the weather. we met up at the little park as you enter into calico and then headed down to some awesome old buildings. i will be back to shoot there again.
first up: at the park.2 of the cutest little girls:
then the buildings: i love them.
this is how old they are. 2 & 3!
aren't they the cutest family.
and this is the girls when they found out that we were DONE!
i had a great time with you guys today. good to see the girls again. i cant believe how big they are getting!
Blog Archive
About Me

- jamie
- the things that make my world go round... (besides photography) my sweet baby girl who makes me proud, my handsome husband who makes me smile, my *girl* friends who make me laugh, my mom who is always supportive, my dad who's always there to make sure i don't make the "wrong" decision, my little brother that is such a good uncle, all the rest of my family and friends that are just so darn amazing!, my pretty little bmw that i just adore, sex and the city, trashy magazines, lunch with jessi, massages with the amazing doriane, flashy rings, VC Andrew's books, my bay window and gigantic bathtub, our mean little kitten, my wonderful customers @ tropical rayz (you all know who you are), david cook (heehee), designer bags, shooting the sh** with jarjar about photog, blue summer skys and rainy spring days, the fresh chrispness of an october morning. yep! that's what makes my life so wonderful....
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Posted by jamie at 2:15 PM 2 comments
DREAM BIG: they do come true....
Yesterday, my friend jessi and i had a mission to complete. finding me a new car. not just any car, but THE car! and that we did... we had originally planned to drive to siloam springs to check one out that i found online, but friday night kevin and i just happened to drive through town and i remembered this one car that i had seen and so we stopped to check it out. they were closed so before jessi and i set out on our adventure saturday, we decided to go look at the one in town. my awesome dad met us there and we test drove it. well that was all it took! then it was time for dad to bite into them. he is GREAT at getting what he wants for the price he wants. he tells em how it is. i love it!!! me and jessi were just sitting there like... oh my gosh! she wants him to go along w/ her when she gets a new car. ;) so, end the end I GOT IT. I couldn't be more ecstatic. my dream car! check it out.................................
Posted by jamie at 6:25 AM 2 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2007
so, today i am sitting here feeling like pooh! i don't know what this is or where it came from, but i am NOT a fan of it. my head seriously feels like it may blow at any moment.
besides telling you how crappy i feel, there is another reason for this post. it is to see how may blog readers i have. i would *love* it if you would take a moment to drop me a comment below. ...it would make me feel betterrrr..... ; )
i am also getting ready to be even more crazy busy than i already am. i have so many shoots booked in october that i don't have a free weekend day. (except for our 7 year anniversary on the 7th!) we hope to go camping... those who don't know... i am super excited that on nov.9th we leave for 10 days on our much anticipated CAYMAN ISLANDS trip... wahoo...
so, i am trying to cram as many sessions in between now and then. phew! guess i had a lot to say! so, remember to drop me a comment and i will love you forever! thanks!
Posted by jamie at 11:40 AM 6 comments
Monday, September 24, 2007
a day to relax:
yesterday when we got back from springfield we decided to just have a lazy day. we had got laykin some new winter clothes and so she had to go check them out & try them all on.
this one shows just how sweet she can be. she had this piece of material on her head saying that she was a restaurant worker.
i love this one with her dimples...

and laykins reaction... she likes it to. thought it was for her.
yep, its in the living room... getting all prepped for the river.
Posted by jamie at 8:10 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 23, 2007
a quick little getaway:
this weekend we went up to Springfield to meet up with some friends for the night. we decided to go up early and spend the day together just the 2 of us. i had a great time. it's good to get away sometimes. go to a different town and just hang out and enjoy each others company. so, on the way we stopped at our favorite little road side park. it is so nice, just off the side of the road and you wouldn't even know it. here's a few from the park. (which was the only time that i had the camera out the whole time we were there.)the ever so handsome husband ;0....
Posted by jamie at 3:53 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Football Season::
one of my most favorite people in the whole world plus one of my best friends, asked me to come along to her sons football game to get some action shots of him on the field. here are a few. these kids are so cute out there. the coaches kept having to get their attention back on the game b/c they would get to playing and goofing around. it was to funny. enjoy tam! ;)
heres the little man himself... look at em go...
he was all over that ball!
Posted by jamie at 7:05 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
fun @ the fair :: 2007
friday afternoon/evening we took laykin to the fair. we were so thrilled to run into charlie. i am really glad that she was there so that she and laykin could ride together. they had a blast! it was perfect weather and we got there before everyone got out for the evening, they were able to just get on every ride w/o having to stand in line forever.... here are a few shots of FUN! the dizzy dragons... me + kev rode with the girls and they wouldn't stop spinning the dragon and we thought we might get sick b/c of a four and five year old. go figure!
laykin was super excited to go on the slide... she had to do it twice.
and the motorcycles... it was so cute how they would hold hands from ride to ride and laykin would just do what charlie said. she was just enjoying the company.
the rollercoaster... as i am blogging these, laykin is letting me know that she liked the rollercoaster the best. she is a bit of a risk taker i am afraid.
Posted by jamie at 5:14 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 16, 2007
All for you Danelle:

Posted by jamie at 6:57 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Soooo.... this is my 100th post!!!! so, I thought I would have Jaren take some shots of ME! A couple days ago we got together to do a quick little shoot complete with my very own Hollywood hair/makeup stylist....Jessi Harbour @ the shiny lime! I only have time to get a couple up so some I will post the rest...
this first one is a shot by Jaren with THE CANON!!! And this one is of myself by myself as I was waiting for a disc to burn... I thought.. hmmm, Jaren takes pictures of herself... why can't I. I only had time for a couple, so here is one. (Jaren-what about class?)
Posted by jamie at 7:11 AM 2 comments
Sunday, September 09, 2007
The Lovely Amanda:
Here are a few... from this shoot. We started out a little boudoir and them went out and about for some night shots....
Posted by jamie at 10:59 AM 1 comments